Drive Book Summary: Team Motivation Incentive Ideas

Drive Book Summary: Team Motivation Incentive Ideas

Motivated people might be the biggest factors in a company’s success. However, there is a big difference between what science has shown us about how people are motivated and what businesses actually do. Reading Drive will teach you simple things that you can do to change your organization’s practices to reflect the science behind motivating people.
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Creativity, Inc. Book Summary: Unleash Team Creativity

Creativity, Inc. Book Summary: Unleash Team Creativity

Combining creative thinking with scientific observation, recording, and feedback loops can solve some of the most complex problems in the workplace. George Lucas’ role in the digital revolution of arts, entertainment, and academia is discussed, and you will learn about the best way to manage in a creative organization.

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Creating Magic Book Summary: Leadership Strategies from Disney

Creating Magic Book Summary: Leadership Strategies from Disney

Leaders should focus on treating employees well and acknowledging their contributions because they are the reason for an organization’s success. In addition, ideas for improvement should be gathered from other industries, competitors and employees at all levels of the company. 
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Make it Happen Before Lunch Book Summary: Building Relationships For Success In Sales

Make it Happen Before Lunch Book Summary: Building Relationships For Success In Sales

Learn communication strategies that are designed to help you connect with potential clients. This book shares practical advice to help with your organization’s day-to-day operations. Discover sales philosophies for both business owners and stakeholders that will help ensure your business’s success.
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Antifragile Book Summary: Failure Is Part Of Success

Antifragile Book Summary: Failure Is Part Of Success

We live in a complex world filled with confusion. Fragile businesses fail in times of uncertainty because they are volatile. Antifragile companies gain more capacity when under stress. Success and failure serve as important feedback loops. Learn about systems that thrive in chaos and how you can help your company be more antifragile.
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Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built Book Summary

Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built Book Summary

What led to the biggest IPO in Wall Street history? Fifteen years prior, a struggling entrepreneur named Jack Ma started an e-commerce business that would go on to drastically change Eastern working conditions. Studying Ma’s tenacity and unique talents can help every aspiring entrepreneur learn how to achieve success.
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The 4-Hour Workweek Book Summary: Escape 9 To 5 Job

The 4-Hour Workweek Book Summary: Escape 9 To 5 Job

Can working less actually lead to increased productivity and higher income? Tim Ferriss shares his company’s experiences and shows how starting an automated online business can lead to this success. Some ways to be successful include defining your goals, testing ideas inexpensively, and automating systems.
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