How do you become a linchpin? The first steps are selflessly giving people your time and energy, developing new talents, creating opportunities, and consistently delivering on your promises. Learn how to prevent your “lizard brain” from ruining your chances at success by always putting your best foot forward in your workplace.
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Failure is a healthy step on the road to success that will inspire you to achieve higher goals. Stay disciplined and focus on your own business’s future without fixating on your competition. Read about ways to work with individual employees as well as how to determine when it is the right time to invest in new team members.
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What is the key to ongoing business success? Simple things like service, ethics, being invaluable, and focusing on processes will lead your organization to triumph. Because modern workplaces put so much emphasis on results, we sometimes forget to look at the process. This leads to lower expectations.
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Did you know there are triggers that will result in an automatic “yes”? Influence teaches you about the psychology behind decisions with emphasis on those that end with a “yes.” Develop six weapons of influence to become a master of persuasion and to defend your opinions from other master persuaders.
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Honest communication, hard work, and constant searching for opportunities led the co-founder of Home Depot to success. Capitalism rewards individuals who innovate and work hard. Impress those you do business with by under-promising and over-delivering while remembering that your customer’s needs are the top priority.
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Business success is often tied more to people than performance -- if people like you, you will go further. This book is a cornerstone to understanding the best practices to interact with people and how to be convincing. After reading, you will be a better leader because you will understand the right way to deal with people.
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Master the four phases of business in “How to Blog for Profit.” Getting started is about focusing on the right things. Growing your blog is about being found online, growing your audience, and monetizing. Building is about shifting from blogger to entrepreneur and creating products for your audience.
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What motivates grit? Combining passion, perseverance, and hard work is more likely to lead to success than talent alone. Moving forward after failing is an important attitude to adopt in order to achieve success. Learn to look beyond your title and to embrace hard work as a more consistent means to success.
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It is no secret that great leadership can make a company great. However, there are a few differences between good companies and great companies that go beyond leadership. Ask lots of questions about what your company can do best, introduce new technologies, and create sustainable growth systems to name a few.
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If you often find yourself overwhelmed with the work ahead of you, this book offers some solutions. The first steps are to prioritize your task list so that you feel good about it. Then, you should break tasks down into manageable pieces. The strategies in this book will help you plan projects and stay focused during change.
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Flex teaches managers how to communicate in order to better lead and leverage diversity for greater innovation. Effective communication can only happen when leaders set personal judgements and assumptions aside. Catalyze your leadership style by learning to acknowledge that your employees, peers, and supervisors build trust in different ways.
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Navy SEALs understand a little bit about how individuals work under pressure. “Extreme Ownership” shows how to apply the processes used by the Navy SEALs to business leaders. You will learn how to prioritize tasks and how discipline leads to success. All business owners should apply extreme ownership and minimize ego-driven decisions.
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If you frequently find yourself losing focus, you may be trying to please too many people at once. Instead of investing resources and energy into tasks that do not matter, narrow your focus only to what is essential. Essentialism is more than a principle -- it is a way of life that means living by design.
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Motivated people might be the biggest factors in a company’s success. However, there is a big difference between what science has shown us about how people are motivated and what businesses actually do. Reading Drive will teach you simple things that you can do to change your organization’s practices to reflect the science behind motivating people.
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Combining creative thinking with scientific observation, recording, and feedback loops can solve some of the most complex problems in the workplace. George Lucas’ role in the digital revolution of arts, entertainment, and academia is discussed, and you will learn about the best way to manage in a creative organization.
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Leaders should focus on treating employees well and acknowledging their contributions because they are the reason for an organization’s success. In addition, ideas for improvement should be gathered from other industries, competitors and employees at all levels of the company.
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Word-of-mouth publicity is still king. Contagious illustrates how you can create an impact using immense word-of-mouth publicity that grabs consumer interest. Discover six elements to make your brand so contagious that all your customers will share it with their networks. Your brand will be shamelessly imitated by your competitors.
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Technology can broaden your organization’s scope. Artificial intelligence is the dawn of a new era, and Competing in the Age of AI shows how it can redefine creation as well as how AI removes constraints on learning and scale. To help your organization best meet challenges, learn about the obstacles that both digital and traditional firms face.
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Understanding why customers choose your company’s products is the first step in creating products that customers will want to buy regardless of cost. This book will teach you about the “job to be done” approach and how it can help you in everyday life. Clearly defining your questions, business, and competition are three ways to get started.
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“Chasing Cool” studies what makes a product “cool” and what makes products marketed this way fail. Instead of being the fancy new color or trend, cool is a business. Learn why working to position your organization with a product that appeals in the long-term is a much better investment than chasing the latest trend.
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Built to Sell is filled with advice on the best way to package your company to sell. This book will not only teach you how to receive a more desirable valuation, but also how to position products to sell. If your organization is in the service industry, you will learn how to package services as products.
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Today’s customers tune out unimaginative marketing. This book will show you why simplicity works best and how to write an effective brand story. Not only should your brand story resonate with your customers, but it should also cast them as heroes. You will also learn how to implement these concepts throughout your product line to draw customers.
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Use the Blue Ocean Strategy to innovate beyond competition. Begin by doing research: observe your target market’s reactions and behavior. Then, identify market gaps to create uncontested market space in your sector. Create true value for your customers by increasing differentiation and minimizing cost.
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Setting good goals is about prioritizing and managing your time. This book describes how conquering procrastination can foster productivity. Developing a timeline and breaking your goals into smaller steps are the next steps to success. Discovering what works best for you can mean some failures and learning when to say “no” when it needs to be said.
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Explore the road to success with Jean Case, National Geographic’s Chairperson. Her rules are simple: gamble on big moves, take risks, be unafraid of failure, look for partners in unlikely circumstances, and welcome urgency. Embrace your fear as a driving force as you embark on your journey to success.
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Making changes in your workplace as either employer or potential employee can seem impossible. “Bait and Switch” shows you how changing processes in the pre-employment and hiring processes can lead to candidates better suited to your organization. Discovering and recognizing these business practices are the first steps to hiring better candidates.
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“Badass Your Brand” shows you a proven system to make a profitable business out of something you already love doing. Repurpose and repackage your offerings if there are any processes that do not make money or that you do not enjoy. Shifting your mindset from being a service provider to an expert is one way to start making that happen.
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Learn communication strategies that are designed to help you connect with potential clients. This book shares practical advice to help with your organization’s day-to-day operations. Discover sales philosophies for both business owners and stakeholders that will help ensure your business’s success.
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We live in a complex world filled with confusion. Fragile businesses fail in times of uncertainty because they are volatile. Antifragile companies gain more capacity when under stress. Success and failure serve as important feedback loops. Learn about systems that thrive in chaos and how you can help your company be more antifragile.
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What led to the biggest IPO in Wall Street history? Fifteen years prior, a struggling entrepreneur named Jack Ma started an e-commerce business that would go on to drastically change Eastern working conditions. Studying Ma’s tenacity and unique talents can help every aspiring entrepreneur learn how to achieve success.
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Strong branding is vital to stick out and stand above your competition. Higher sales, greater profits, and increased employee loyalty are all consequences of effective branding. Get your brand stuck in your customers’ brains through constant innovation and by always delivering end-results beyond expectations.
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Running a business means more than mastering a technical skill. As a business owner, you need to wear three hats: entrepreneur, manager, and technician. The E-Myth Revisited shows you how to work on your business instead of work in your business. Changing your business’s direction and always looking for new knowledge are other keys to success.
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Can working less actually lead to increased productivity and higher income? Tim Ferriss shares his company’s experiences and shows how starting an automated online business can lead to this success. Some ways to be successful include defining your goals, testing ideas inexpensively, and automating systems.
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