Benjamin Franklin is famous as an accomplished diplomat, visionary inventor, and hard-working businessman. This biography gives you an in-depth look to figure out how he achieved so much. Learn how Benjamin Franklin listened to diverse perspectives and used his ferocious intellect to found a new country.
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This book offers a simple explanation for the inscrutable inner workings of computers as well as the story behind one of these machines. Discover how important it is to hire a smart, passionate team. This team will be able to overcome all obstacles through enthusiasm, innovation, intelligence, and hard work.
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In both sports and business, effective leaders exude confidence tempered with humility, poise in the face of adversity, and helping others find their strengths to accomplish a team victory. Good leaders motivate like teachers instead of commanding like bosses. Filled with personal stories from decades as a coach, this book will show you how to become a better leader.
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Told from the perspective of a shepherd, The Alchemist is a journey to determine your deepest desire and discover your destiny. Stop letting fear hold you back and learn to embrace deeper self-knowledge. Because it is applicable to all aspects of life including business, this book shares universal truths to help you achieve true triumph.
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Although they shift depending on circumstances and surroundings, most people can be sorted into one of three categories: givers, takers, and matchers. Givers are often the most successful as they sincerely desire success for everyone. Takers are consistently viewed as self-serving. Matchers try to achieve the balance between the two. Which are you? Finding out can change how you interact with teh world.
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Radical truths can be used as a powerful tool to achieve many kinds of goals. Embracing harsh realities and encouraging thoughtful disagreement help ensure that all perspectives are taken into account. This book also guides you through five steps that will help you achieve all of your life goals.
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As we enter the seventh era of marketing, digital disruption has changed where customers find value. Creating successful marketing for modern customers designing a curated experience. In addition to building experiences driven by content, this book breaks down the four primary steps to produce effective content.
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Confronting your ego is an important step in unlocking success. Ego can cloud judgement. You will also learn about the cycle of effort and how thinking big while living small leads to ultimate triumph. Concentrating on learning constantly can help keep your focus on stoicism and help you avoid complacency.
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Drawing on years of interviews with successful individuals across many fields, Ferriss gives you the tools of the titans to generate your own triumphs. These wildly successful titans are flawed people who focus on a few of their strengths while transforming their weaknesses into competitive advantages.
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If a successful company fails to recognize disruptive technology in its industry, even titans can fail. With a perspective from 1997, a time bursting with disruptive technologies, this book illustrates how management and a company’s structure can harness disruptive innovation in order to survive and then to thrive.
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Imagine founding a business with one million dollars in revenue that is built on your passion. Outsourcing and automating can make that business infinitely scalable and profitable. This book covers how to set effectively-sized goals as well as a crash course in market research. Igniting an interest in continuous learning is also very important in achieving a million-dollar one-person business.
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There is no easy path to success. To achieve your goals, you will need to apply discipline to your life, embrace your inner warrior, and use fear of failure as motivation. Discipline Equals Freedom gives diet and exercise recommendations to start developing discipline in all aspects of your life.
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Attitude is key on the road to acquiring wealth. Learn how to cultivate an assertive approach and how to use affirmations to reach your financial goals. Visualizing success is just as important as developing new ideas, constantly searching for fresh knowledge, and tenaciously pursuing opportunities.
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If you are struggling to create content that attracts customers, this book may have some answers. Content needs to educate instead of sell. Forthright communication offers much higher value to customers. You will also learn how to acquire more and better-qualified leads with a higher conversion rate.
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The traditional management mindset is no longer enough enough in the modern, rapidly-changing world. Because engagement happens when personal growth and organizational growth intersect, supporting employees through transparency and appreciation are important in cultivating a culture of engagement.
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Transform your sales team into an unstoppable force with these 12 techniques. Selling the story of a product and greeting customers like friends are a few ideas discussed. Providing frequent and regular training of the best techniques to your sales team will lead to winning people to your product.
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Shake off the self-defeating mindsets to unleash your money-making potential. Discover mantras that will change the way you think about generating wealth. In this book, you will learn about the tools needed to use your natural talents to earn money. The strategies outlined will help you avoid pitfalls from your past.
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Not everyone will help you succeed. This book guides you through three types of people you will encounter. Some openly announce nefarious intentions, some harbor treacherous schemes but claim to be allies, and some have good intentions but betray you in difficult times are some of the people you will meet.
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Buckets of talent do not always result in success. A winning strategy and hard work can lead to more winning than impressive amounts of talent. Entrepreneurs, politicians, and athletes all use the same strategies to achieve wins. Another secret to being a winner is to never stop believing in more success.
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Hiring the wrong person can lead to enormous costs. This book guides you through defining the perfect candidate to avoiding common hiring mistakes. Emphasizing what the right candidates for you are looking for and formulating the right interview questions will minimize your company’s hiring mistakes.
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If you are tired of the one-size-fits-all fallacy for leadership training, this book is for you. Using 10 myths of leadership development as a guide, you will learn how to support employees instead of providing generic training. Significant costs come with low employee engagement, and this book offers a few solutions.
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What if losing is an intrinsic part of winning? In investing, winning is about luck and mastering failure. Before you begin trading, make sure you have an exit strategy. Surround yourself with people who disagree with you. Taking either success or failure personally is one of the roads to disaster.
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In this book, Warren Buffet tells his story and shares the secrets to success. Building a relationship with a mentor, identifying opportunities, and overcoming failure are some of the strategies he recommends. As a leader, you are responsible for staying focused, being efficient, and remaining persistent.
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Before building momentum, an organization needs traction. Clarifying the organization’s vision, defining core processes, and matching people to positions are the initial steps to gaining organizational traction. Quantitative goals and 90-day targets are other tools that can be used to build success.
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Instead of being a crutch for mechanical task completion, checklists can encourage creative thinking and better communication. Checklists can focus on communication steps instead of procedural steps when complex processes are involved. A powerful tool, checklists used properly welcome discipline and teamwork.
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Google understands a few things about success. “Work Rules!” explains the eight successful attributes of high-performing managers and why giving employees more authority can lead to earth-shattering results. When employees thrive, the organization benefits from increased resilience and better insights.
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To help you reach new heights, “Zero to One” addresses seven important questions for success. Doing new things to grow vertically is a lot better than copying others’ work by growing horizontally. However, doing new things takes a great deal of courage. “Zero to One” describes the power in being a visionary.
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Add some management strategies to your toolkit that will build your team up to work together and achieve their highest potential. Start by giving candid feedback -- a harsh truth is more helpful than a pretty lie. Focus on creating a safe environment for your team and on the team’s achievements instead of individual achievements.
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A cohesive leadership team with nine maximum members focused on the future can rescue an organization with failing health. Learn how to evaluate your organization’s health and how best to communicate on a company-wide level. The leadership team needs to be focused on the effectiveness of the entire organization over any single department.
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Failure is the best place to start building a management structure from scratch. As big data changes the world, efficiency is no longer the highest goal. Giving everyone access to information and letting each person make decisions is far more adaptable and separates the successful from the unsuccessful.
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“Switch” uses real-world examples to illustrate how to implement change. Turn failing systems into successes by learning about the three facets of behavioral change. Change works best in small steps and when emotions and rational thinking cooperate. When enacting change, cultivating resilience is necessary.
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A great read for anyone who has ever been disappointed, this book discusses how your frontal lobe categorizes the world. By harnessing imagination, the human brain is able to predict future events. Understanding why it predicts a bad future and why dreaming brings joy are only a few of the ideas covered.
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If trying to do everything at once is not getting you anywhere, try reading “The One Thing.” Success is built in small, consistent steps instead of unpredictable leaps. Achieving more is possible by changing your approach and narrowing your focus. In this book, you will learn which questions to ask to find your focus.
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Assholes are part of everyone’s workplace experience. Take a quiz to find out if you are a “temporary asshole” (having a bad day) or a “certified asshole” (you have developed your mean-spirited character traits). You will also find strategies to help work successfully with these unpleasant people without losing your sanity.
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Staying focused on long-term goals and bringing people together to solve problems are skills that leaders should have when muddling through the messy middle. “The Messy Middle” covers many tools in a successful leader’s toolkit including advice from Jeff Bezos and how to harness milestones as motivation.
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How does not being too serious translate to success? The best way to build relationships is to be genuine instead of a formal simulacrum of yourself. Networking is the key to opening doors. Make sure to fulfill your deliverables 100% of the time and make cultivating good manners a competitive advantage.
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Being happy is possible for anyone. Any money is not the cause, but happy people tend to be more successful. This book shares daily mental exercises that can be applied to change your brain and make you happier.
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Stopping the constant worry is possible. Implement a strategy to live in the present without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Discover concrete ways to retrain your brain to find the positives. Because fighting the inevitable is a recipe for disaster, learning to embrace the inexorable is another key to stop worrying.
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Strong branding is vital to stick out and stand above your competition. Higher sales, greater profits, and increased employee loyalty are all consequences of effective branding. Get your brand stuck in your customers’ brains through constant innovation and by always delivering end-results beyond expectations.
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When a company grows too large, it is too easy to concentrate only on the numbers. An organization should focus on showing employees how much they are valued. Building relationships with customers is more than just providing good customer service. Regardless of the organizational size, a united vision is also important.
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Even if you are not a high-earner, you can still become wealthy. How you think about handling money often comes from your upbringing. This book will teach you how to retrain your brain to invest money in assets and how to look for opportunities. The best way to lose money is through investing your money in liabilities.
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Stop being crippled by fear. Being courageous and learning the value of change are the first steps to making bold, swift decisions. Identifying what scares you and confronting those fears are the first steps to being courageous. You will also learn to commit to your purpose and to initiate change through executing your actions.
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Experimentation can lead to as much expertise as specialization. This book will show you how broad experiences can lead to greater innovation. Because we live in a complex world, specialized experts can fail to take all factors into account. Redefine achievement and learn how to broaden your focus to become a generalist.
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Leaders guide a company both in the present and in the future. Because the length of executive tenure is so much shorter in the modern world, priority is put on short-term productivity instead of future success. Help your organization long-term by treating employees with respect and dignity.
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This book illustrates how doing is far preferable to inaction -- if life is a buzzer box, poke it! Instead of viewing failure as a coup de grâce, it should be seen as a by-product of doing. Do not be afraid to draw maps instead of only following maps. Learn how to start doing and become an initiator and an innovator now.
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What if success has less to do with your IQ than you think? Being successful is about seizing opportunities and a great deal of practicing. Because they depend on timing, birthdate, and birthplace, opportunities are beyond your control. Learn why 10,000 hours of practice is enough to turn goodness into greatness and mediocrity into excellence.
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Negotiation begins with a real conversation built on a foundation of trust and empathy. Discovering strategies to build trust and empathy is the first step to successful negotiation. Part of negotiation is the balance of listening to the other party’s issues while staying focused on your own goals only.
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Stop letting indecision and fear hold you back -- turning your hobby into a profitable business is as easy as finding your starting point. After identifying your ideal clients and determining your value proposition, this book will teach you how to market to them. You will also learn how to manage a small business’s financials.
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Build a business with impact by attracting customers and developing products that work like magic. The first step is to refine your personal purpose by defining what you want to accomplish. Then, identify a group of customers who want and need what you have to offer. Another key is to develop a team that embraces innovation.
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Business is won and lost based on an organization's ability to successfully nurture and productize loonshots. A loonshot is an out of the box idea that radically changes the way an industry works, or even creates a new industry. Uber was a loonshot for the taxi industry. The smartphone was a loonshot for the mobile industry.
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