Epic Content Marketing Book Summary: SEO For Businesses

Epic Content Marketing Book Summary: SEO For Businesses

Defining the differences between content marketing, traditional marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media, Epic Content Marketing is the ultimate guide to continuously crafting quality content. Master content marketing metrics such as consumption, shares, leads, and sales will help your organization give value to your customers.
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Nudge Book Summary: How To Influence People

Nudge Book Summary: How To Influence People

When faced with a decision, people generally know what the right choice is. However, instead of choosing what is best, people usually rely on irrational gut feelings. This book uses economics and psychology to uncover how we can all start making better choices for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our government.

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Predictable Revenue Book Summary: The Story of Salesforce Revenue Growth

Predictable Revenue Book Summary: The Story of Salesforce Revenue Growth

Building a dependable stream of revenue that grows may be easier than you think. Predictable Revenue reveals in-depth outbound sales strategies that do not require your continuous supervision. You will also learn about a new way to make cold calls, how to build a productive sales team, and how to categorize leads for optimal success.
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Ready, Fire, Aim Book Summary: Building A Successful Business

Ready, Fire, Aim Book Summary: Building A Successful Business

In Ready Fire Aim, Michael Masterson recommends shooting from the hip and making selling your top priority. Even if your product or service is not perfect, getting it into the market will begin generating revenue right away. For anyone who wants to scale a business quickly and successfully, this book is a must read.

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High Output Management Book Summary: Best Business Management Book

High Output Management Book Summary: Best Business Management Book

Measuring a manager’s individual output does not capture the whole picture. Instead, the focus should be on the quality and total output of their team. High Output Management shows how to give beneficial performance reviews, design an effective delegation process, and a value-based decision-making process.

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Give ‘Em The Pickle! Book Summary: Keep Customers Coming Back

Give ‘Em The Pickle! Book Summary: Keep Customers Coming Back

This book details the pursuit of hearing a customer say, “I will be back!” Cultivating loyal customers means figuring out what the “pickle” -- or whatever the customer desires -- is and delivering it with five-star customer service and a smile. The keys to making this happen are encouraging service, attitude, consistency, and teamwork.

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The Soul of a New Machine Book Summary: History Of Personal PC

The Soul of a New Machine Book Summary: History Of Personal PC

This book offers a simple explanation for the inscrutable inner workings of computers as well as the story behind one of these machines. Discover how important it is to hire a smart, passionate team. This team will be able to overcome all obstacles through enthusiasm, innovation, intelligence, and hard work.
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Wooden On Leadership Book Summary: How To Lead A Team

Wooden On Leadership Book Summary: How To Lead A Team

In both sports and business, effective leaders exude confidence tempered with humility, poise in the face of adversity, and helping others find their strengths to accomplish a team victory. Good leaders motivate like teachers instead of commanding like bosses. Filled with personal stories from decades as a coach, this book will show you how to become a better leader.

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The Workplace Engagement Solution Book Summary: How To Keep Employees Engaged

The Workplace Engagement Solution Book Summary: How To Keep Employees Engaged

The traditional management mindset is no longer enough enough in the modern, rapidly-changing world. Because engagement happens when personal growth and organizational growth intersect, supporting employees through transparency and appreciation are important in cultivating a culture of engagement.
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Winners Book Summary: How To Succeed

Winners Book Summary: How To Succeed

Buckets of talent do not always result in success. A winning strategy and hard work can lead to more winning than impressive amounts of talent. Entrepreneurs, politicians, and athletes all use the same strategies to achieve wins. Another secret to being a winner is to never stop believing in more success.
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Developing Leaders Book Summary: Keep Employees Engaged

Developing Leaders Book Summary: Keep Employees Engaged

If you are tired of the one-size-fits-all fallacy for leadership training, this book is for you. Using 10 myths of leadership development as a guide, you will learn how to support employees instead of providing generic training. Significant costs come with low employee engagement, and this book offers a few solutions.
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What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars Book Summary: How To Invest

What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars Book Summary: How To Invest

What if losing is an intrinsic part of winning? In investing, winning is about luck and mastering failure. Before you begin trading, make sure you have an exit strategy. Surround yourself with people who disagree with you. Taking either success or failure personally is one of the roads to disaster.

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Traction Book Summary: Improve Processes At Work

Traction Book Summary: Improve Processes At Work

Before building momentum, an organization needs traction. Clarifying the organization’s vision, defining core processes, and matching people to positions are the initial steps to gaining organizational traction. Quantitative goals and 90-day targets are other tools that can be used to build success.
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The Checklist Manifesto Book Summary: Why You Need A Checklist

The Checklist Manifesto Book Summary: Why You Need A Checklist

Instead of being a crutch for mechanical task completion, checklists can encourage creative thinking and better communication. Checklists can focus on communication steps instead of procedural steps when complex processes are involved. A powerful tool, checklists used properly welcome discipline and teamwork.
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WORK RULES! Book Summary: Leadership Keys From Inside Google

WORK RULES! Book Summary: Leadership Keys From Inside Google

Google understands a few things about success. “Work Rules!” explains the eight successful attributes of high-performing managers and why giving employees more authority can lead to earth-shattering results. When employees thrive, the organization benefits from increased resilience and better insights.
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Zero To One Book Summary: A Must Read For Startups & Entrepreneurs

Zero To One Book Summary: A Must Read For Startups & Entrepreneurs

To help you reach new heights, “Zero to One” addresses seven important questions for success. Doing new things to grow vertically is a lot better than copying others’ work by growing horizontally. However, doing new things takes a great deal of courage. “Zero to One” describes the power in being a visionary.
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Trillion Dollar Coach Book Summary: Creating Better Performing Company

Trillion Dollar Coach Book Summary: Creating Better Performing Company

Add some management strategies to your toolkit that will build your team up to work together and achieve their highest potential. Start by giving candid feedback -- a harsh truth is more helpful than a pretty lie. Focus on creating a safe environment for your team and on the team’s achievements instead of individual achievements.

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Make Your Mark Book Summary: How To Start Your Own Business

Make Your Mark Book Summary: How To Start Your Own Business

Build a business with impact by attracting customers and developing products that work like magic. The first step is to refine your personal purpose by defining what you want to accomplish. Then, identify a group of customers who want and need what you have to offer. Another key is to develop a team that embraces innovation.
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Good to Great Book Summary: Why Companies Succeed

Good to Great Book Summary: Why Companies Succeed

It is no secret that great leadership can make a company great. However, there are a few differences between good companies and great companies that go beyond leadership. Ask lots of questions about what your company can do best, introduce new technologies, and create sustainable growth systems to name a few.

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Flex Book Summary: Managing Cultural Differences In The Workplace

Flex Book Summary: Managing Cultural Differences In The Workplace

Flex teaches managers how to communicate in order to better lead and leverage diversity for greater innovation. Effective communication can only happen when leaders set personal judgements and assumptions aside. Catalyze your leadership style by learning to acknowledge that your employees, peers, and supervisors build trust in different ways.
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Drive Book Summary: Team Motivation Incentive Ideas

Drive Book Summary: Team Motivation Incentive Ideas

Motivated people might be the biggest factors in a company’s success. However, there is a big difference between what science has shown us about how people are motivated and what businesses actually do. Reading Drive will teach you simple things that you can do to change your organization’s practices to reflect the science behind motivating people.
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Creativity, Inc. Book Summary: Unleash Team Creativity

Creativity, Inc. Book Summary: Unleash Team Creativity

Combining creative thinking with scientific observation, recording, and feedback loops can solve some of the most complex problems in the workplace. George Lucas’ role in the digital revolution of arts, entertainment, and academia is discussed, and you will learn about the best way to manage in a creative organization.

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Creating Magic Book Summary: Leadership Strategies from Disney

Creating Magic Book Summary: Leadership Strategies from Disney

Leaders should focus on treating employees well and acknowledging their contributions because they are the reason for an organization’s success. In addition, ideas for improvement should be gathered from other industries, competitors and employees at all levels of the company. 
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Contagious Book Summary: How To Go Viral

Contagious Book Summary: How To Go Viral

Word-of-mouth publicity is still king. Contagious illustrates how you can create an impact using immense word-of-mouth publicity that grabs consumer interest. Discover six elements to make your brand so contagious that all your customers will share it with their networks. Your brand will be shamelessly imitated by your competitors.
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Competing in the Age of AI Book Summary: How Does Artificial Intelligence Affect Business

Competing in the Age of AI Book Summary: How Does Artificial Intelligence Affect Business

Technology can broaden your organization’s scope. Artificial intelligence is the dawn of a new era, and Competing in the Age of AI shows how it can redefine creation as well as how AI removes constraints on learning and scale. To help your organization best meet challenges, learn about the obstacles that both digital and traditional firms face.
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Built To Sell Book Summary: How To Sell My Business

Built To Sell Book Summary: How To Sell My Business

Built to Sell is filled with advice on the best way to package your company to sell. This book will not only teach you how to receive a more desirable valuation, but also how to position products to sell. If your organization is in the service industry, you will learn how to package services as products.
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Building a StoryBrand Book Summary: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Building a StoryBrand Book Summary: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Today’s customers tune out unimaginative marketing. This book will show you why simplicity works best and how to write an effective brand story. Not only should your brand story resonate with your customers, but it should also cast them as heroes. You will also learn how to implement these concepts throughout your product line to draw customers.
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Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built Book Summary

Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built Book Summary

What led to the biggest IPO in Wall Street history? Fifteen years prior, a struggling entrepreneur named Jack Ma started an e-commerce business that would go on to drastically change Eastern working conditions. Studying Ma’s tenacity and unique talents can help every aspiring entrepreneur learn how to achieve success.
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